It’s All Sunshine and Daisies (Tulips): Springtime in Double-Time

This post is part 23 of 23 in the series:
Perks of Being a Tyneesha

Time to clock in for my springtime update! I’m sure you noticed that the glorious star month of the calendar year (September) came and went so incredibly quickly. The weather is warming up, slowly but surely. The days are longer; the sun is shining, my skin is browning, life is grand. I am currently on a midsession break from university, and this past week I have possibly enjoyed the most free time that I’ve had all year. Snake and I made a mulberry pie from scratch the other day. That said, I’m going to unload all the fun and great and sometimes annoying things that have kept me busy lately. Stay and read, if you want. No hard feelings if not, I hope you’re having a great day. Happy spring to you and yours.

General Weather Report

It is difficult to cast my mind back to the first week of September, so I probably won’t write this post strictly chronologically. But with all certainty, I can say that the first week of September was delightfully warm and sunny. I got up for the sunrise a few times, Fred Again released his beautiful album to set the mood. There are beautiful birds and bugs all around. I am never sure whether I should bring a jumper to work with me. It’s a great time to be alive, all round. It did unexpectedly rain for a few days here and there, but I know that global warming has my back coming into October. Also, I don’t know where to place this information, but at some point in late August or early September, I decided to go back to Boxing. It was a hobby that I dropped after 2020, and I’m having a lot of fun with it.

Anniversary Trip to Blue Mountains

I’ve already written a very long post about this – but it’s important to mention that my beautiful girlfriend and I celebrated our first anniversary in the second week of September. To summarise, we had a really grand dinner to celebrate, and then went away for the weekend. We went on a big walk, saw weird things and had a splendid time all round. Here are pictures from our big walk.

Tulip Time 2

Last year, my love and I went to Tulip Time. It was our first date, officially speaking. We had a great time, and it happens every year, apparently! For those who are unaware, Tulip Time is a little flower festival held in Bowral, which, as I’m sure you can gather, involves the display of like a million tulips. Last year, someone mentioned it to me and I thought it was a strange joke. But it’s real, and it’s fun. So we went again this year. Pros include: Last year we went at night, and the tulips were not as fresh or visible as they were this year in the daylight. Cons: Last year they had Dagwood dogs/Pluto pups (whatever you call it, to each their own) – this year they had no dogs.

PIA Conference Overview

I shot this conference a couple of weeks ago. It was an enormous job, you can read my little business blog here if you like, but since this my personal blog I can get personal about it. The job stretched over 3 days; I rearranged my week for it. I am really blessed to be able to switch some days around or take some days off at other jobs to do things like this. Usually when I get to shoot a conference, the insane amount of work is in part made worth it by the random things I learn while listening in on the sessions and keynote speakers, but this was an urban planning conference. The most interesting thing I learned is that the planning industry (like most industries in 2024) are suffering a worker shortage. And that planning is weirdly political and powerful, given that planners are the people who design the spaces that we all use day to day, in our workplaces and recreation. In strange ways, planners have the power to dictate how we spend our time and the spaces that we live our lives in. Also, since it was a NSW state conference, a lot of the attendees had never visited Wollongong, and they seemed extremely impressed and complimentary toward our city.

My favourite conference that I’ve shot was an environmental education conference held at UOW last year. That one made me want to pursue teaching, actually. This one did not have the same impact on me. With a fair bit of eagerness expressed by the organisers and speakers, I worked through the photos very quickly. With my photography business, I generally tell organisers they’ll have their pictures in 2 weeks’ time. This might seem like an atrociously long time to wait for photos, unless you understand that things have to happen post-shoot. And, if you understand that I have a whole life outside of one 3 day job. I did, all things aside, get those photos sorted and sent within a week after shooting them. Which, of course, has left me with an unexpectedly calm 2nd week.

Quick Guest Appearance from Dad

A little while ago, Dad sent me some YouTube videos from a very multi-talented musician called Ren. He’s became very interested in this man’s work, for a variety of reasons, and I suggested he write about it all. I was joking, but to his credit, he gave it a crack and it went well! He said I could keep it for myself as a blog draft, but I think that it’s most apt to give a potential reader this context. I think that a middle-aged father writing about music that has a strong mental health theme is invariably different from what I would write from my perspective and life experience. Often I think that men, and particularly older men, have a bit of a different experience with music as a safe space for emotional expression. Dad’s never really written anything like a music review, but he’s worked in tech for years, so he got to utilise an AI model to help him refine this review – I think it’s really interesting, so check that out if you like.

YouTube: Ren – Hi Ren (Official Music Video)

2024 is Moving Quickly!

This is just a note to say that there’s less than 3 months left in the year now. In 3 weeks, I will attend my last class at university and I will finish my degrees. I keep expecting to feel weird about finishing uni, but I never do. It’s been 5 years, somehow. I am extremely ready to be finished, in fact. Can’t wait. It is, in theory, weird how quickly the last 5 years of my life have gone, and all the different unexpected things that have happened in that time are wild to think about, but I don’t feel strange about it all. It makes sense to me, and that has to be a good sign.

In a couple of weeks, I’m second-shooting a wedding again, so that’s exciting. My sister is due to have her second baby at some point in Novemeber. In December, Snake and I get to see Crowded House in concert, and in January we’re going on a family holiday to Fiji again. That’s pretty much all of my big, exciting plans so far. If anything else happens, I’m sure I’ll bring it up.

Until then, have fun and be well. Thanks, bye!