
My Day at TAFE: Teaching Photography as a Volunteer with Illawarra Multicultural Services

My Day At Tafe Teaching Photography As A Volunteer With Illawarra Multicultural Services Featured
Volunteering with Illawarra Multicultural Services, I taught photography to TAFE students, sparking creativity and cultural exchange. Our workshop focused on 'Finding Freedom,' bridged language barriers through visuals, leaving a lasting impact on learners and myself alike.
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From Hobbyist to Professional: A Photographer’s Journey to Keeping the Fun Alive

From Hobbyist To Professional A Photographers Journey To Keeping The Fun Alive Featured
Embark on a photographer's journey from a cherished hobby to a thriving profession, and discover how to keep the joy of photography alive even as it becomes a job. Learn how to balance professional demands with personal passion, and explore the art of photography beyond the commercial realm.
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Camp, near William Creek, South Australia: Landscape Photography & Humanity in Natural Environments

Post Content Camp Near William Creek South Australia Jessie Boylan
Exploring the interplay between humanity and nature in Jessie Boylan's 'Camp, near William Creek, South Australia,' a digital photograph that challenges traditional landscape photography by showcasing a campsite inhabited by anti-nuclear communities.
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