BCM302: The Contextual Report To End Them All, a comprehensive report analyzing the context of a particular topic, providing a thorough understanding of the subject matter.
BCM313: An Interview With Sammie Quaver Media, an insightful interview with a renowned figure in the media industry, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities in the field.
Discover my journey behind the lens at the AAEE Education Conference. From inspiring keynote speakers to sustainability initiatives, it's a tale of education, connection, and capturing moments.
As a photographer, my journey is not just about capturing images; it's about the values that define my work. Principles that reflect who I am as a professional and a person guide every click of the shutter.
Step into the captivating world of cabaret photography as I share my journey through 'A Step in Time,' embracing challenges, forging connections, and capturing the magic of performance art.
Contextual Report Part 1: A reflective update on the BCM302 project, outlining the journey from concept to execution, highlighting the interplay between business and creativity, the impact of volunteer work on professional opportunities, and the challenges and solutions encountered in balancing creative expression with commercial demands
Candid reflections on my journey from volunteer to paid photographer at Green Connect Farm, where creativity met client demands, enriching my photography career with valuable insights and versatile skills.