14th September, 2024
Hi person reading this! I’ve had a fun new idea!
I tried to come up with a less giggle-worthy title, but a ‘doodle book’ explains everything you need to know about this category of posts. I love the idea of keeping my notebooks clean and tidy, but the reality is – I’m not that person. I fidget, physically and intellectually, otherwise, I can’t keep my focus.
My blog, so far, is a fairly organised space. I wanted a clean look, everything’s nicely tucked into categories, and I’m in a rhythm with my writing style and posting schedule. It’s going really well. But, you know what they say about your comfort zone (it’ll kill you).
And so, the doodle book is born. A lawless space for me to make stuff with no particular goal, format or routine in mind. A simple stream of consciousness, if you will. I might experiment with different writing styles, I might make some music/sound based stuff, I might take the term ‘doodle’ seriously (well, as seriously as one can take it) and publish visual art. The possibilities are endless, and exciting, which is exactly the point.
I was going to make it a series – but decided it works better as its own category. So you can look at my doodles at any time, by clicking on the category in the big menu. The first doodle will be out shortly.