12th February, 2025

You may have noticed I’ve done some re-decoration. And by redecorating, I mean I bull-dozed my old place and moved my favourite furniture to this one. Sounds extreme, but it had to be done.
It’s only a few years but 15-year-old me made all the design plans. I trusted a 15-year-old to choose the wallpaper and curtains. At some point, I recognised that 15-year-old Tyneesha’s decisions were questionable. I outgrew it, like so much, which is honestly a big part of why I haven’t posted for like two years or more now.
I’ve learned so much about photography, writing, content creation, social media and various other topics since launching the original blog back in 2017. This new layout better allows me to put that knowledge to use.
I’ve separated my previous blog into two sites – Tyneesha.com, for general, personal, writing and other creative media content, and Neesh Photography – which will be a regular, uncluttered photography website. There will likely be photography-related posts on this site, but Neesh Photography will become photography-focused only.
This seemed like the logical arrangement going forward, as I’d love to find work either as a photographer or as a writer/content creator, and those who can give me those opportunities are far more enabled if I keep my work organised.
Tyneesha.com has been a labour of love for a while now, and a lot of effort has gone into making it look and feel as personal and self-stylised as possible. We’ve replaced that (arguably) awful purple colour from the original site with a soft, clean pastel palette which was actually extracted and adjusted from colours found in a photo of a beach in Wollongong.
I’ve experimented with podcasting recently, which you’ll be seeing (or rather, hearing) more of as I offer audio versions of my articles… for those who share my preference for consuming audio content you should follow my podcast on Spotify, Google podcasts or Apple Podcast.
This site will be home to my university projects as well as my personal creative endeavours. It’ll functionally present as an online portfolio, although I’ve also set up a résumé site (not finished yet, so ignore) for similar purposes.
For fellow Taureans and those of you who belong to the church of retail therapy, I’ll be working on opening a shop feature – an opportunity for online shopping which will hopefully bring me a little extra money and satiate my impulse to put every funny thing I hear on a T-shirt. I’m also looking at selling some of my photos as prints – so when that happens you should buy some – It’ll give you clear skin! Maybe! Don’t quote me on it, just buy stuff! You are of course welcome to send me money for no material benefit though, so if you’ve got an extra dollar or two and like my work, PayPal donations are open and available in the side menu.
Of course, with this site being under construction for quite a while, we have some catching up to do. Now and then I’ll post from the super-secret archives of 2018-2020 so that this site catches up on all that has changed. Otherwise, my Instagram account is probably the best representation of my photography work over the last two years.
So, if you’ve been here before, take a look around! So much has changed! If not – hey there, new friend!